If you haven’t read the part 1 of The Fall on my blog I
encourage you to take a look at it before continuing so that you can understand
the full story behind how sin entered this world. I also explain the question of
what sin actually is - which can often be misinterpreted – and what the
consequences of our fallen nature is.
So quickly summarizing the content of Part one of ‘The Fall’ – We started in Genesis 3 reading the story of Adam and Eve. We watch Satan tempt Eve and shortly after, Adam, into disobeying God and desiring something apart from God thus causing the very nature of humankind to change. I also explain how sin affects our ability to continue to mirror the image of God, in that, we no longer have the perfection to love and rule the way God intended for us. This scheme that Satan uses to lure Adam and Eve away from God is the same scheme he’s working with today. We left off the last post feeling fully defeated by the lies of Satan, who managed to destroy our intended purpose and our very nature. HOWEVER, if you think Satan has some powerful tricks up his sleeve, watch what our almighty God and Creator has up his!
In Genesis 3:15 it states, “he will crush your head, and you
will strike his heel.” Meaning Satan will strike the heel of God’s creation,
stopping us momentarily from being what God designed us to be but then it
states, “he will crush your head” meaning Satan may be able to slightly damage
God’s creation now but God will destroy Satan.
I love this small phase because it puts into perspective just how mighty our
God is. Satan, in all his power, can only strike God’s heel but God can crush
Satan’s head, a fatal blow. They are no comparison.
Because here’s something Satan didn’t anticipate, that
although humans are subject to sin and our perceptions can change, God on the
other hand does not. So although Satan could ruin our ability to perfectly love
God, Satan could NOT ruin God’s ability to perfectly love us. And because Satan
could never do this God had in store a plan that would prove himself victorious
over Satan once again. That result would also be, to humans, a true testament of
just how deeply God loves us. This was God’s fatal blow to Satan - John 3:16, “For
God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whoever believes
in him shall not parish but have everlasting life.”
When Satan found a way to ruin this world God had a plan to unite
it once again. By sending Jesus, God’s perfect son to live a perfect life and
then die with a guilty sentence, holding all the burden of sin on his shoulders
so that he could justify us from our debt. He took the sins that Satan
introduced us to, that act that caused our fallen nature, and made us blameless
so that we could once again have a relationship with our Creator.
Because Jesus
did this for us, God doesn’t see us as merely sinners but rather his very own, his
children. If one simply believes that
God did this for them the curse of Satan no longer has any hold on them, not
just here on Earth but for all eternity. This is a mighty victory that proves once and for all that we are made with a unique and beautiful purpose - to live in the unfailing love, goodness, and perfection of our heavenly Father.
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