Saturday, August 3, 2013

The Evidence of the Existence of God (Historical)

There are two things that are vitally important to the faith that Christians have. One is the accuracy of the bible and the other is the truth of this man called Jesus. Since both of these aspects of Christianity are so very important I will look in some depth to the evidence of the historical accuracy of the bible and the historical significance of Jesus throughout history. Oh yeah and my sources will be 100% OUTSIDE of the bible!

The Bible

Many skeptics will say it is hard to support that the bible is accurate because it has contradictions, many different writers over many years, it’s not been properly interpreted, and if it were why would there be so many different translations? Despite what many Christians will say I think it is great to have these objections. Why? Because those questions cause us to seek and I firmly believe that when we deeply investigate the bible we will become confident that it remains completely accurate to this day.

Historical Manuscripts

There are literally THOUSANDS of records of the teachings, the prophecies, the significance of Jesus’ birth, work, and death in historical manuscripts of not only Jesus time but as well as afterwards. Most historians verify the accuracy of ancient manuscripts by how consistent they are to the other works of the time period in terms of writing style and historical events documented. The bible is unique in that the books of the bible are not single manuscripts, archeologists have found hundreds of manuscripts of the SAME writings that we now make up the books of the bible. Of course the bible was written by numerous authors expanding over the course of a couple thousand years however there is still remarkable consistency and unification between the books of the bible. There are many duplications of the same writings all over the middle East stretching into the European countries of each book of the bible.

The bible continues to be historically accurate. For example archeologists believed for some time that Moses could not have written the first 5 books of the bible because there was very little written works in the time of Moses, that was, however until archeologists discovered other writings of the same era such as; The code of Hammurabi, the lipit-Istar code, and the laws of Eshnunna. The bible also has a vast array of historical data that archeologists are still finding and piecing together to this day. The bible talks about ancient cities, kingdoms, the exact locations of these places, exact dimensions and detailed descriptions of major architectural giants (pilate’s court, the jewish temple…) the kings and pharaohs of the time and many major historical events. Sir William Ramsey, an amazing and accomplished archeologist demonstrated that Luke made no mistakes in references to 32 countries, 54 cities, and 9 islands.

Using the bible alone, Jewish archeologists have been able to uncover dozens of ancient cities such as Haran, Hazor, Dan, Megiddo, Shechem, Samaria, Shiloh, Gezer, Gibeah, Beth Shemesh, Beth Shean, Beersheba, and Lachish. By historical standards there is more than enough evidence that proves the validity of the bible.
So what’s with the different translations?

Many translations occur simply because the style in which we write and talk changes as time passes. For example although the King James version of the bible is very accurate and was extremely relevant a few hundred years ago, many people today prefer the New International version of the bible because it is more similar to the way in which we speak today and therefore easier for us to understand.

There is a divide in between translators of the bible because some translations of the bible are based on a word to word translation. However because the Hebrew language is so very different from the English language some translations are based more on the main idea of the passage instead of exact word for word translation in an effort to be more clearly understood. Both are without a doubt accurate but this does create a few more translations.

This man named Jesus

 I think it’s safe to say that Jesus has had the more impact on the world than any other person in existence. Here I would like to explore in some detail some of the historical evidence of the truth of Jesus Christ OUTSIDE of what the bible says. I think you will find, whether you are a Christian or not, that Jesus was unlike any individual and that is why 2000 years later he still has such a significant role in the world today. While it would seem if Jesus was an ordinary man (the bible states Jesus had no political power, religious titles, no property or fortune, and suffered a death that some of the “low class” encountered) would have no place in the historical records of the time, however for some strange reason Jesus is recorded MANY times by various political and religious bigwigs! The evidence for this “common” man is worth taking it seriously.

There are many ancient and completely credible documents that can attest the profound existence of Jesus. 
There are writings from Tacitus one of the most important documentations of Jesus apart from the bible. 
Other notable writings include those written by Pliny the younger, the Babylonian Talmud, Lucian (2nd century satirist), and Josephus, a 1st century Jewish historian. For the sake of time and space here is a link to the word for word references of Jesus from these sources;

One of the most wonderful things about the bible is as Jewish archeologists and scholars discover even more about their ancient past the bible stands the test of time and history again and again. As Christians we can be encouraged that we have a great tool to stand boldly behind the truth of the bible and the truth of our God. I have no doubt that the more we understand about our history the more we will understand about the God who created us!  

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