Saturday, December 8, 2012

The Right Way to Debate Your Faith

What is the point of a debate with non believers on the existence of God or the authenticity of the bible?

The very best way we can understand how to have a good, logical, and meaningful debate with a nonbeliever is by studying how the best of the best went about it. Who better to take tips from then Jesus himself. Let me point you to a fascinating relationship between a teacher of the law and Jesus Christ. We can find this in John chapter 3. Enter Nicodemus who was a very highly respected wise man, a religious and political authority during the time of Christ. Nicodemus approaches Christ and basically lays it out, he acknowledges Jesus as a teacher who has come from God because he had seen many of the wonderous works of Christ. He says, Jesus, "How can one enter the gates of heaven?" Christ responds in verse 3, “No one will see the kingdom of God unless they are born again.” This statement leads to an enlightened conversation between Christ and Nicodemus. If you read the rest of the chapter you will find that Nicodemus did not come to understand everything Christ said. We see Nicodemus pop in and out of the story of Christ and he DOES eventually come to believe in the truth of Christ.  This story is very true to a real life debate on religion in that 95% of the time one conversation isn’t going to convert someone to Christianity. Often times we find that it is a long process in which we spend time getting to know the individual, create a friendship, and then conversion may take place. This is an extremely important point in debating Christianity.

Here is a list of proper steps to follow when debating a nonbeliever because first and foremost you are here to represent Christ and to show the love of Christ to EVERYONE. Debate, at most people know, can often get heated and take a nasty turn. This tips will help that NOT to happen!

      1) Understand that your MAIN priority is to show the love of Christ.

Again, a lot of people will debate a nonbeliever with an untamed tongue- meaning they are not in control of their emotions and tend to snip back. That is never okay and it will cost you the debate no matter how excellent your defense is. Apologists use 1 Peter 3:15 as a motivation to study the Word and bring it to others. This verse calls Christians to always have an answer for the hope that we have; HOWEVER, and this is the part most people forget, do it in a spirit of gentleness and respect!

      2) Educate yourself!

This seems like an obvious tip however many Atheists are dismayed that so many Christians have very little knowledge about their own history, their own reason for their beliefs, and they are often completely ignorant about any other religion. It is simply not enough that you barely know your own faith. You must understand the questions from all points of view and that takes some effort! There are also some common questions that nonbelievers share- many relating to science and the authenticity of the Bible. If you can guess those questions are coming it would be wise to have already studied the answer and remember you have the mind of God with you through the Holy Spirit so all the wisdom in the world you have access to.
             3) Remember that the Holy Spirit is in charge

If you are not counting on the Holy Spirit to give you the answers then you can easily be caught off guard. 1 Corinthians 2:10-11 states clearly that no one knows the heart of God except the Holy Spirit. That being said you would be wise to start your conversation with a bold prayer asking the Spirit to enable you to defend your faith.
      4) Admit when you don’t know the answer

In any debate both sides will at some point make an invalid claim or make a mistake about a point they are trying to make or may simply not have educated themselves properly on a specific question they are asked. It is WAY worse for you to give a bogus answer to a question than to just admit that you simply don’t know the answer. Many people will respect that and you will actually be validating yourself by not making false claims. If later they research your answer and it was incorrect they might have a hard time believing many of your other points as well.

      5) The bible has no authority over nonbelievers

Christians often make this mistake by having answers that ONLY come from the bible. An atheist would say that it is ridiculous to have a faith in something just because that something tells you to have faith in it. Essentially, this is what we are asking a non believer to do via the bible because they don't have the Holy Spirit enabling them to understand God like a Christian can. There are many other logical ways we can defend our faith that are universally accepted such as the holes in the big bang theory which is a something from nothing theory which defies the laws of science), the patterns of the universe that are fingerprints of a great designer, the historical evidence of the bible in sources OUTSIDE of the bible. There is plenty logical evidence to defend our God - so use it!
      6) Avoid debating moral issues

This relates to tip number 5 and I can't say it enough! Say you are sitting down with a nonbeliever and the question comes up about homosexuality. You can inform them of your views but you will not likely be able to convince them of your views are correct by simply using the morals of the bible. Arguing these moral issues more often than not leads them away from God. What is more important - that someone believes homosexuality is wrong or that they believe Jesus Christ is their Lord and Savior? Remember that your goal is to grow the kingdom of God. If conversion takes place, let God convict when it’s the right time and if God chooses to use you to do it then be ready but don’t get ahead of God.
      7) You don’t have to be mocked

There are many people that only want to mock you because of your faith. There is very little you can do but just try to debate with universal logic. However, it’s okay to let people know that you don’t deserve to be mocked for your beliefs. Sometimes the best thing is to walk away from the debate (especially if you find yourself getting heated) and do some praying. Sometimes people aren't ready to hear about God and if you enter into a debate with someone like that you might find yourself being attacked. Be loving but stand your ground. If the debate seems to be spiraling out of control, just of it.
      8) Some people aren’t ready

We have to remember that the only reason Christians are able to see that we are sinful beings in need of a Savior is through the conviction of the Holy Spirit. Many people you will encounter are not interested in believing what you believe or even trying to hear what you have to say-  they simply want to poke holes in your faith. No matter how many great answers you give - if the Holy Spirit hasn’t started to pull them to Him - there is nothing you can say that will convert them to Christ.
      9) Be a good listener

Asking them questions as to why they don’t believe in God will help give you an idea of what approach to take. Did they grow up in a Christian home but turned from Christianity? Did they have a personal experience that lead them away from God? Are they misunderstanding scripture? Do they stay away from God because of how they perceive Christians? Do they have scientific and educational reasons why they don’t believe? These are questions that you can ask to help you form the best defense that will relate personally to them.

      10) Don’t be pushy

As I mentioned earlier, conversion is often a long process. Instead of hurling everything you got at them, give them time to meditate on what you say and remember that they might have a very personal reason why they don’t believe. You have to respect them and not be overwhelming. 

      11) PRAY, PRAY, PRAY

Prayer is a Christian's direct link to God. Wars and battles can be won simply by praying. Be bold in your prayer and believe wholeheartedly that God will speak through you and direct you. Pray before a debate, pray mini prayers through the debate, and pray afterwards. That is the single greatest thing you can do!

There is a time and place for debates with nonbelievers but Christians must be responsible to go about it in a way that glorifies God and has the nonbeliever willing to listen. Our focus should always be to show what the love of God looks like and that should be woven into every debate we have. Period! 

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