Thursday, May 23, 2013

In the beginning.... was a relationship?

Has anyone ever thought about how humorous it is that the creation of the whole universe is summed up in a couple chapters of Genesis? God sure didn’t waste any time! Many Christians I think miss how impactful the first few chapters of the bible are. There is a multitude of questions that just these few verses can answer such as – Are we alone in the universe? Why did God create us? What is our purpose here on Earth? Is God really eternal? Was the Earth really created in 7 days? Now I’m not going to explain all of the answers to those questions in this post – that would be entirely toooooo long of a post – but I will most definitely answer them all in future posts.

In this post I just want to focus on God’s relationship with us. In the creation story we see a few patterns, one being that after God created anything he states that it is good. However, when he gets to the creation of Adam he states this is VERY good. It’s pretty easy to skip over that statement but I want to draw attention to just how powerful that statement really was! Think about the world around us. Think about everything we know that exists – the whole universe in its infinite beauty and detail. God didn’t spare anything, folks! He made every plant, animal, scientific law, pattern, and process this world has ever known and will ever know. We will never understand everything in this magnificent world yet in all of its awesomeness God still says, “That all is good, but you humans, you are even better!” God created us to be better and more important to him than any other creation and that speaks powerfully on how much he cares for us.

Then God also states in Gen. 1:27,

“So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.” It also states in the bible that the Trinity talked amongst each other and agreed man should be made in His own image.

This is another very powerful statement God makes and it tells us a lot about our purpose here on Earth. So what does this statement mean? Well first we have to understand that this does not mean that God created us to physically look like him. God is spirit and we are flesh, naturally, VERY different lol! But what this does mean is that God created man to have the same attributes as him – the ability to love, to possess freewill, to show compassion, to rule over the Earth, to have joy, every emotion and sensation, the goodness of our souls – all of these were made in us in order to be in the same likeness as God.  

So if we think about that it kind of blows the mind! God loves us so much that from the very beginning he wanted amazing things for us. He built us with those characteristics so that we could build relationships with each other and most importantly with God in a deeper and more intimate way than any other creation God has ever made, period! How much more could God show us how important we are to him?! God created us so that we could ultimately love and be loved for all eternity - the most fulfilling and blissful feeling that ever existed, to be enveloped in the love of God!

What the creation story boils down to is that God is a Father who created his children (man) to share in and enjoy his existence with. What an honor and what a perfect reason for life! In our very first experience with God he is demonstrating his intense and endless love for us and you’d be amazed to know that this is still just the tip of the iceberg!

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